Operating criteria following three decades of continuous growth has reflected accurately the needs of RCR’s customers and client base. This is irrespective of geographical location the global reach of RCR and its core consortium partners is such that we are able to deliver a viable, sustainable engineering solution on all seven continents and to more than 145 countries.
Many of the technologies within the RCR stable have ben incubated within RCR’s laboratory and corporate technology nursery. Often embryonic, innovative and unproven technological breakthroughs, nothing more than a germ of an idea are acquired and financial resource is made available combined with technical and practical skills and problem solving that enables a process or technology to evolve and mature and be a bolt-on extra or option for many of our STAG plants.
RCR’s problem solving designer team work daily with end users to devise a sustainable solution that can be safely delivered within a guaranteed time period supported by indemnity insurance that will compensate the client if the process does not “do what is says on the label” either in the process efficiency or in the prescribed volume throughput of the processed tonnage.
With so many fully operational facilities globally that have been designed to take a wide range of feedstocks, from biomass residues, sorted and unsorted municipal solid wastes, liquid wastes and effluents, toxic liquids, waste or used engine oils and lubricants =, spent or used hydraulic fluids, end of life electrical equipment where we recover noble metals, deconstruction of end of life tires, the depolymerisation of size reduced and sanitised plastics , provides potential customers with a wide choice of products with proven solutions or a wide range of technologies that can be adopted or are well suited to deployed with a different feedstock than originally intended,
Working with RCR’s team can reduce dependence upon imported and expensive fossil fuels or hydrocarbon-based fuels. We are able to create joint ventures, invite local investors in a variety of countries to participate as local sponsor so that any investment relief or tax free periods of time can benefit the partners and encourage inward investment. The wrapping of every project with AA rated investment grade insurance policies does insure out 98% of all risk for sponsor, end customer and funding agency or institution.
We do offer the Best Available Technology (BAT) the Best Practical Environmental Option (BPEO) and with the well proven and time tested Public Private partnership we are able in many instances to rebate a substantial share of net operating profits back to the municipality that often has the effect of converting an existing cost centre with annual indexation and incessant increases, to a profit centre were the rebate or profit share exceeds that actual cost of collection and gate fees and produces a net profit over cost.
Such an impact has enormous economic and environmental consequences for highly leveraged municipalities, states and even countries where previously expensive and tedious waste disposal was almost unaffordable or poorly funded and thus inevitably inadequate and a source of dissatisfaction, whereas adopting RCR technology based solutions will result in 100% coverage of collection and 100% participation of all citizens because our process does not require the expensive source segregation, segregated collection and through the engagement of the informal waste sector all of the value within the average black bag will remain and be transported for on site valorisation that generates profits that offsets or pays for the entire collection and treatment process costs.
No other global or national waste company producing or marketing technological solutions to extract value from MSW or end of life tires or recovered plastics offer any such rebate or profit sharing and thus engaging with those companies merely ensure annual escalation of costs and no offset or mitigation of the underlying cost base.