RCR’s Derived Bi Products
All of the recovered value extracted from within the waste stream, or from end of life tires, used engine and cooking oils, Constructional and demolition derived cement based products all have ready and active markets. Such is the high quality of the bi product or the recovered recyclables such as aluminium, non ferrous metals and clean steel, RCR Commodities is able to secure premium prices because of the guarantee of quality, free of contamination and immediately reduced to billets for reuse. Such is the quality that many of the aluminium smelters and the steel mills can reduce or abandon the use of emissions capture plant and lime baghouses because the metals are free from all contaminants.
In addition with reliable and dependable renewable electricity generation being uploaded onto the national grid every hour of every day, the reliability and dependability far outweighs that track record of either solar or wind. RCR Commodities has known selling power and muscle and is able to negotiate often significant premiums over and above the standard Feet In Tariff and these power take off agreements can run for as much as 35 years.
Within every STAG plant there is a significant volume of thermal energy produced in the form of pressurised high temperature steam that can be sold to adjacent users or factories where access to clean steam is assured and such industries operating large-scale refrigeration would happily purchase thermal energy as it is cheaper and more sustainable than using a fossil fuelled steam generator for their own processes.
Some food industries and textile companies use steam as a primary heat source that avoids spikes in temperature, a more constant and less variable temperature range and if controlled properly can substantially reduce product wastage. RCR’s subsidiaries have delivered steam solutions to hospitals, auto glass manufacturers, carpet makers, potato chip production facilities (steam ensure that the cooking oil does not over heat or burn) hence increasing output and eliminating close to 100% of wastage. Ready meal manufacturing companies uses massive amounts of steam in their production process and would welcome a low cost supply that translates to high bottom line profits.